
Why not get married in one of our churches?

A wedding at St Mary's TwyfordSt James or St Mary's

If you would like to get married in St James', Ruscombe or St Mary's, Twyford (Church of England):

To book your wedding, please contact the Church Office, Tel: 0118 934 4792, email:

A wedding booking may be confirmed once a qualifying connection has been established, which is explained in this form. However, other options may be available subject to discussion as it also possible to establish a qualifying connection by regular attendance for 6 months prior to the reading of banns.

Couples can choose from two orders of service, either traditional or contemporary.

In preparation for your wedding, Banns of Marriage must be called on three Sundays within three months of your wedding day. This is a legal requirement.


If you need to arrange to have your Banns read, for a wedding elsewhere,

Please complete this form (editable if opened in Chrome/Safari) and return to the Church Office or call 0118 934 4792.

There is a fee of £54 (from January 2024).


Useful links

General information on weddings in the Church of England

Twyford URC

If you would like to get married in Twyford URC:

To book your wedding contact Linda Jackson (0118 934 1864)

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